Data API Service Command Line Interface

You may use the Data API Server program with additional parameters to manage the database:

$ [{/seed | /reseed}] [/sync-users] [{/demo | /demo1 | /demo2}] 


  • seed initialize Catalog tables
  • reseed recreates (empties) the database and initialize Catalog tables

    Using reseed immediately DELETES ALL CONTENT in your database. The physical database is dropped, then recreated before seed is performed.

  • sync-users or sync reads users from the Identity API and transfers the IdentityServer globally unique user-id + demo adds some users and a small number of AM and PM files with sample data.
  • demo1 adds some users and a medium number of AM and PM files with sample data.
  • demo2 adds some users and a larger number of AM and PM files with sample data. to the corresponding officers, based on e-mail comparison.

the syntax is described in Documenting command-line syntax
