File Rights Matrix
The level of access to a given file is determined by the role an Officer is playing in the context of the File.
Context is given by Country, Agency and Operation and their linking and ownership of Files.
The four default role definitions are used in the above table, but these may at a later stage be edited or extra roles can be added as necessary. A role is built by assigning a set of functions to the role definition. The functions behind a role are very granular, and you could prohibit some officers from creating or editing PM files while they have full access to AM files and so on.
- R = Read
- W = Write (create/edit files)
- L = Link (reconcile/create/edit ID reports)
- D = Delete
- agc = role determined by Officers agency role
Typically, roles are created so that a higher level includes functions from lower levels, i.e. the Administrator with general Delete rights also has Link, Write and Read rights as well.